The Suppression of Free Energy Technologies by Global Governments

By Mario Dorizas

The concept of free energy technologies has long been the dream of scientists, environmentalists, and visionaries around the world. The potential to harness limitless, sustainable energy could revolutionize our planet, ending our dependency on fossil fuels and curbing environmental degradation. However, the path to realizing this dream is fraught with formidable obstacles, largely driven by the greed and power of big oil companies. This article explores why global governments, particularly the US government, find it necessary to suppress free energy technologies, focusing on the influence and tactics of big oil corporations.

The Power and Greed of Big Oil Companies

~The Financial Empire of Big Oil
Big oil companies, including giants like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and BP, have established vast financial empires. These corporations generate billions of dollars in revenue annually, maintaining their dominance over the global energy market. Their profitability hinges on the continued extraction, refinement, and sale of fossil fuels.

~Greed and Profit Maximization
The primary motivation behind the suppression of free energy technologies is greed. Free energy, by its very nature, threatens the profitability of fossil fuel industries. If individuals and businesses could access energy freely and sustainably, the demand for oil, coal, and natural gas would plummet, devastating the revenue streams of these corporations.

Top 10 Suppressed Free Energy Technologies

  • Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy Devices: Tesla’s supposed development of free energy devices like the Wardenclyffe Tower, which allegedly could transmit electricity wirelessly, is frequently cited.
  • Cold Fusion: Cold fusion, a hypothesized type of nuclear reaction that would occur at or near room temperature, gained attention in the late 1980s but has not been conclusively proven.
  • Zero-Point Energy: The concept of zero-point energy, which refers to the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have, is often cited in free energy claims despite lacking practical application.
  • Perpetual Motion Machines: Various designs for machines that supposedly operate indefinitely without an energy source, in defiance of the laws of physics, are often claimed to be suppressed.
  • Stanley Meyer’s Water Fuel Cell: Meyer claimed to have invented a device that could convert water into hydrogen fuel using minimal energy input, but his work has been widely discredited.
  • T. Henry Moray’s Radiant Energy Device: Moray claimed to have developed a device that could harness radiant energy from the environment, but his claims were never scientifically validated.
  • The Adams Motor: Created by Robert Adams, this is claimed to be an over-unity device (producing more energy than it consumes) but lacks scientific validation.
  • The Bedini Motor: John Bedini’s designs for free energy generators are popular in the free energy community but have not been proven to work as claimed.
  • The Newman Motor: Joseph Newman’s motor, which he claimed could produce more energy than it consumed, was never accepted by the scientific community.
  • The Searl Effect Generator (SEG): Invented by John Searl, the SEG is claimed to be a device that produces free energy and anti-gravity effects, though it remains unproven.

Control Over Politicians and Policymaking

~The Influence of Lobbying
Big oil companies wield enormous influence over politicians and policymakers through extensive lobbying efforts. In the US, for instance, the oil and gas industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying each year. These efforts are aimed at shaping energy policies, regulations, and legislation to favor their interests.

~Political Contributions and Campaign Funding
Political contributions from big oil companies play a crucial role in securing favorable outcomes. By funding election campaigns, these corporations ensure that elected officials are sympathetic to their interests. This financial dependency makes it difficult for politicians to support free energy technologies that would undermine the oil industry.

The Revolving Door
The “revolving door” phenomenon, where individuals move between roles in government and the private sector, further solidifies big oil’s control. Former industry executives often occupy key positions within regulatory agencies, ensuring that policies remain favorable to fossil fuel interests. Conversely, former government officials frequently join big oil companies, bringing with them insider knowledge and connections.

Ruthless Tactics to Suppress Free Energy Technologies

~Patent Confiscation and Legal Maneuvering
One of the most insidious tactics used to suppress free energy technologies is patent confiscation. Inventors who develop promising free energy solutions often find their patents seized or invalidated through legal challenges. Big oil companies employ teams of lawyers to exploit patent law complexities, effectively stifling innovation.

~Financial and Market Manipulation
Big oil companies also engage in financial and market manipulation to suppress free energy technologies. By influencing market dynamics and controlling investment flows, they can starve new technologies of the capital needed for development and commercialization. This manipulation ensures that free energy innovations remain in the shadows, unable to compete with established fossil fuel infrastructure.

~Intimidation and Harassment
Inventors and advocates of free energy technologies often face intimidation and harassment. These tactics can range from legal threats and smear campaigns to more severe measures. The aim is to create a climate of fear and uncertainty, discouraging individuals from pursuing or promoting free energy solutions.

~Termination of Innovators
While it may sound like the plot of a thriller, there are instances where inventors of free energy technologies have met untimely and suspicious deaths. While concrete evidence linking these deaths directly to big oil companies is often elusive, the pattern of such incidents raises significant concerns. The possibility that inventors might be targeted to prevent the dissemination of disruptive technologies cannot be dismissed outright.


Case Studies and Historical Examples

~ The Case of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in electrical engineering and visionary inventor, is often cited as an early victim of the suppression of free energy technologies. Tesla’s work on wireless energy transmission promised a future where energy could be distributed freely and efficiently. However, his projects were consistently underfunded and sabotaged by powerful interests, leading to his eventual financial ruin and obscurity.

~The Fate of Stan Meyer
Stan Meyer, an American inventor, claimed to have developed a water fuel cell that could power cars using water as fuel. His invention attracted significant attention, but he faced intense scrutiny and legal challenges. Meyer died suddenly under mysterious circumstances, and his technology was never fully realized or commercialized.

~The Story of Eugene Mallove
Eugene Mallove, a scientist and advocate for cold fusion (a form of low-energy nuclear reaction that could potentially provide abundant energy), was another figure whose work was suppressed. Mallove’s outspoken support for alternative energy sources and his criticism of the established scientific community’s resistance to new ideas made him a target. He was murdered under suspicious circumstances, further fueling speculation about the suppression of free energy technologies.

The Sad Conclusion

The suppression of free energy technologies by global governments, particularly the US government, is driven by the greed and power of big oil companies. These corporations have entrenched themselves in political and economic systems, ensuring that their interests are protected at all costs. Through lobbying, political contributions, and a revolving door between industry and government, they maintain control over energy policies.

The ruthless tactics employed to suppress free energy technologies, from patent confiscation to harassment and even the possible termination of innovators, highlight the lengths to which big oil companies will go to safeguard their profits. The stories of Nikola Tesla, Stan Meyer, and Eugene Mallove serve as stark reminders of the challenges faced by those who dare to challenge the status quo.

As we move forward, it is crucial to foster transparency, encourage innovation, and break the stranglehold of big oil on our energy systems. The dream of free energy is not only a scientific challenge but also a moral imperative, one that requires collective effort and determination to achieve. Only by addressing these systemic issues can we hope to unlock the potential of free energy technologies and create a sustainable future for all.