Hamrick Design granted patent for removing sugars and nanocellulose from biomass

Plantations International News

Hamrick Engineering, a US-based start-up, has obtained a broad license for removing sugars and nanocellulose from lignocellulosic biomass by the US Patent as well as Trademark Office (USPTO).

This new technology utilizes an eco benign technique of vacuum mixture of hydrolysis drivers right into biomass.

‘This ground-breaking license describes ways to extract sugars and also nanocellulose from lignocellulosic biomass utilizing a low-priced process. It supplies a foundation for technologies to generate reasonable sugars, transportation fuels, and also nano-crystalline cellulose from wood chips and waste paper,’ claims Edward Hamrick, president of Hamrick Engineering.

‘We entirely re-thought the means to essence sugars as well as nanocellulose from biomass, since making $ 100 million plants to refine biomass has actually verified to be risky and also commonly unlucrative. Our approach is to not aim to interfere with or diminish biomass with heats, high stress, and rough chemicals, yet to instead to make use of an entirely new procedure of vacuum mixture of hydrolysis stimulants into biomass, pumping these drivers in and also out of the lumen by cycling vacuum,’ claims Hamrick.

The USPTO provided United States License App. 14/608,183 titled Techniques and systems for creating sugars from carbohydrate-rich substratumsas well as released US Patent Number 9,194,012.

The patent is likewise pending in Canada, Europe, and also Russia.

Hamrick Engineering is also in the lasts of confirming relevant patent-pending vacuum mixture innovations, consisting of technologies for in-field fermentation of sugarcane, sugar beet and also wonderful sorghum.

These innovations are presently fermenting greater than 90 % of the sugar in these crops without requiring crushing or warm water.

‘With the arrival of $ 50 (EUR46) oil, the oversupply of sugar on the planet, as well as decreases in federal government subsidies for environment-friendly power, we’ve additionally entirely re-thought the means plants are refined to create transportation energies. We’ve made a new technology for in-field manufacturing of transport energies that makes it possible for tiny farmers to make ethanol with quite reduced resources prices at even greater sugar conversion efficiency compared to a big plant. Our team believe that farmers are the most effective guardians of their own land, and also this patent-pending technology gives a more eco-friendly method to procedure sugar-rich biomass,’ Hamrick ends.

The very first public presentation of these innovations will certainly be at GrainTek 2015 in Moscow, Russia, on 18-19 November, 2015.

Biofuels Plantations International

The article Hamrick Design provided patent for drawing out sugars and nanocellulose from biomass appeared initially on Plantations International.

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