German biodiesel exports decline in 2015

Plantations International Information

German biodiesel exports from January through November 2015 were down practically a quarter from the precise very same period in 2014. This is revealed by German Federal Statistical Office international occupation figures. A good 90 percent of exports visited EU participant states.

According to Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft mbH (AMI), the sharp decline in biodiesel exports was initial as well as leading based after a significant decline in shipments to the Netherlands, France as well as Poland. Need from the Netherlands alone was down around 42 percent on the exact same duration the previous year. Orders from Poland plunged by 38 percent. Exports to France plunged by 26 percent, allowing the nation to barely maintain its second location. Austria took 3rd place, as exports there boosted by just under one-fifth. By comparison, the volume of exports to the Czech Republic and also Sweden rose substantially from the same duration the previous year. German biodiesel exports to the Czech Republic were the greatest before, rising basically 80 percent to an overall amount of 111,000 loads (roughly 33.3 million gallons).

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